Chat with us 24/7 to work on your grammar and spelling anytime with our AI assistant and Korean Teachers.
For just $49 monthly, enjoy round the clock access to our chat service and Library of content including videos, flaschards, quizzes and activities. Perfect your Korean grammar and spelling with personalized audio, and text feedback from our Korean teachers and our AI assistant. It's now easier than ever to access help 24/7 in improving your Korean Language.
Also Included:
- 30 Minute Session Each Month with your Teacher in Korea to help you improve your speaking.
- A library of digital content available right here for you to follow along on your own time.
- Discount on Group Travel to Korea
- Discount on Hotel Stay in Korea (if travelling separately)
Broadcast messages from Connect 2 Korea that are open for discussion.
Ryan spoke really really good Korean and I know he'll get it back in no time!